Pennsylvania Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs
Inspection Results


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Survey conducted on 08/15/2007

This report is a result of an on-site licensure renewal inspection conducted on August 15, 2007 by staff from the Division of Drug and Alcohol Program Licensure. Based on the findings of the on-site inspection, Gaudenzia, Inc. Re-Entry House was found not to be in compliance with the applicable chapters of 28 PA Code which pertain to the facility. The following deficiencies were identified during this inspection and a plan of correction is due on September 14, 2007.
Plan of Correction

704.11(c)(1)  LICENSURE Mandatory Communicable Disease Training

704.11. Staff development program. (c) General training requirements. (1) Staff persons and volunteers shall receive a minimum of 6 hours of HIV/AIDS and at least 4 hours of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases and other health related topics training using a Department approved curriculum. Counselors and counselor assistants shall complete the training within the first year of employment. All other staff shall complete the training within the first 2 years of employment.
Based on a review of administrative and personnel documentation it was determined that the facility failed to have employee #5 receive the six hours of HIV/AIDS and four hours of STD/TB training within the first two years of employment.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.


704.11. Staff development program. (c) General training requirements. (2) CPR certification and first aid training shall be provided to a sufficient number of staff persons, so that at least one person trained in these skills is onsite during the project's hours of operation.
Based on a review of administrative and personnel documentation it was determined that the facility failed to ensure that staff with current certification for CPR and first aid were on site for every shift.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

704.11(f)(2)  LICENSURE Trng Hours Req-Coun

704.11. Staff development program. (f) Training requirements for counselors. (2) Each counselor shall complete at least 25 clock hours of training annually in areas such as: (i) Client recordkeeping. (ii) Confidentiality. (iii) Pharmacology. (iv) Treatment planning. (v) Counseling techniques. (vi) Drug and alcohol assessment. (vii) Codependency. (viii) Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) issues. (ix) Disease of addiction. (x) Aftercare planning. (xi) Principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. (xii) Ethics. (xiii) Substance abuse trends. (xiv) Interaction of addiction and mental illness. (xv) Cultural awareness. (xvi) Sexual harassment. (xvii) Developmental psychology. (xviii) Relapse prevention. (3) If a counselor has been designated as lead counselor supervising other counselors, the training shall include courses appropriate to the functions of this position and a Department approved core curriculum or comparable training in supervision.
Based on a review of administrative and personnel documentation it was determined that employee #3 failed to earn the minimum 25 hours of training for the 2006 training year.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

704.12(a)(3)(i)  LICENSURE NonHosp Rehab

704.12. Full-time equivalent (FTE) maximum client/staff and client/counselor ratios. (a) General requirements. Projects shall be required to comply with the client/staff and client/counselor ratios in paragraphs (1)-(6) during primary care hours. These ratios refer to the total number of clients being treated including clients with diagnoses other than drug and alcohol addiction served in other facets of the project. Family units may be counted as one client. (3) Inpatient nonhospital treatment and rehabilitation (residential treatment and rehabilitation). (i) Projects serving adult clients shall have one FTE counselor for every eight clients.
Based on a review of administrative documentation it was determined that for approximately five months the facility clinical staff compliment was short one counselor, causing the client to counselor ratio to exceed the limit of 8:1. The client to counselor ratio was at 11:1 for that time period.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

705.7 (b) (4)  LICENSURE Food service.

705.7. Food service. (b) A residential facility may operate a central food preparation area to provide food services to multiple facilities or locations. A residential facility that operates an onsite food preparation area or a central food preparation area shall: (4) Ensure that storage areas for foods are free of food particles, dust and dirt.
Based on a physical plant inspection which included food service areas it was determined that the food pantry in the basement was not free of food particles during the physical plant inspection.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

705.8 (2)  LICENSURE Heating and cooling.

705.8. Heating and cooling. The residential facility: (2) May not permit in the facility heaters that are not permanently mounted or installed.
Based on an inspection of the physical plant it was determined that there was a portable space heater in the medication room during the inspection.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

705.10 (a) (1) (iii)  LICENSURE Fire safety.

705.10. Fire safety. (a) Exits. (1) The residential facility shall: (iii) Maintain each ramp, interior stairway and outside steps exceeding two steps with a well-secured handrail and maintain each porch that has over an 18-inch drop with a well-secured railing.
Based on an inspection of the physical plant it was determined that the facility failed to have a handrail installed on the steps leading up from the basement to the ground level on the outside of the building and failed to install a handrail on steps from one of the exits on the first floor to the outside of the building.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.22(e)(1)  LICENSURE Governing Body

709.22. Governing body. (e) If a facility is publicly funded, the governing body shall make available to the public an annual report which includes, but is not limited to: (1) Activities and accomplishments of the preceding year.
Based on a review of administrative documentation it was determined that the annual report did not include a statement of activities and accomplishments for the preceding year with regards to each treatment program.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.23(b)(1)  LICENSURE Project Director

709.23. Project director. (b) The project director shall assist the governing body in formulating policy and shall present the following to the governing body at least annually: (1) Project goals and objectives which include time frames and available resources.
Based on a review of administrative documentation it was determined that the goals and objectives did not include available resources and time frames for achievement of the stated goals and objectives.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.28(c)(2)  LICENSURE Confidentiality

709.28. Confidentiality. (c) The project shall obtain an informed and voluntary consent from the client for the disclosure of information contained in the client record. The consent shall be in writing and include, but not be limited to: (2) Specific information disclosed.
Based on a review of client records and specifically written consents to release information it was determined that the facility failed to list the specific information that was to be released to the clients' probation officer, CBH (Community Behavioral Health) and/or BHSI (Behavioral Health Services Incorporated) by stating that it would release the clients' " aftercare and discharge planning " in three of four client records reviewed, #1, 2, and 3. Additionally information was sent via a fax to CBH regarding a specific client but the facility failed to obtain a written consent to release information form from the client for CBH in one of four client records reviewed, #4.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.32(c)(3)  LICENSURE Medication Control

709.32. Medication control. (c) The project shall have a written policy regarding medications used by clients which shall include, but not be limited to: (3) Inspection of storage areas.
Based on a review of administrative policy and procedure and documentation it was determined that the facility failed to conduct monthly medication room inspections as per the project's policy.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.51(b)(3)(ii)  LICENSURE Drug & Alcohol History

709.51. Intake and admission. (b) Intake procedures shall include documentation of: (3) Histories, which include the following: (ii) Drug or alcohol history, or both.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to document that the client's counselor reviewed the historical data with the client in one of four client records reviewed, #1; additionally, the facility failed to provide a drug and alcohol history for one of four client records reviewed, #4.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.51(b)(3)(iii)  LICENSURE Personal History

709.51. Intake and admission. (b) Intake procedures shall include documentation of: (3) Histories, which include the following: (iii) Personal history.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to provide client personal histories in two of four client records reviewed, #2 and 4; additionally, the facility failed to document that the client's counselor reviewed the historical data with the client in one of four client records reviewed, #1.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.51(b)(5)  LICENSURE Physical Examination

709.51. Intake and admission. (b) Intake procedures shall include documentation of: (5) Physical examination.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to include on the physical examination form the client's general appearance, the physician's impressions, and the signature of the physician conducting the examination in two of four client records reviewed, #2 and 3; additionally, a physical examination was missing in one of four client records reviewed, #4.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.51(b)(6)  LICENSURE Psychosocial evaluation

709.51. Intake and admission. (b) Intake procedures shall include documentation of: (6) Psychosocial evaluation.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to complete the psychosocial evaluation within the timeframe as described in the project's policies in one of four client records reviewed, #1; additionally, the facility failed to include the date and signature verifying who completed the psychosocial evaluation and when it was completed in one of four client records reviewed, #4. A psychosocial evaluation was missing in one of four client records reviewed, #2.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.52(b)  LICENSURE TX Plan update

709.52. Treatment and rehabilitation services. (b) Treatment and rehabilitation plans shall be reviewed and updated at least every 30 days. For those projects whose client treatment regime is less than 30 days, the treatment and rehabilitation plan, review and update shall occur at least every 15 days.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to have the treatment plan updates provide an assessment of the client ' s progress in relation to the stated goals of the comprehensive treatment plan in three of four client records reviewed, #1, 2 and 4.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.52(e)(3)  LICENSURE Legal support services

709.52. Treatment and rehabilitation services. (e) The project shall assist the client in obtaining the following supportive services when necessary: (3) Legal.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to produce any documentation verifying that the project assisted any client in obtaining legal services.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.52(e)(6)  LICENSURE Vocational Support services

709.52. Treatment and rehabilitation services. (e) The project shall assist the client in obtaining the following supportive services when necessary: (6) Vocational.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to produce any documentation verifying that the project assisted any client in obtaining vocational services.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.53(a)(5)  LICENSURE Progress Notes

709.53. Client records. (a) There shall be a complete client record on an individual which includes information relative to the client's involvement with the project. This shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (5) Progress notes.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to provide group progress notes which contained individual comments as to what the clients said in treatment and/or their level of participation in four of four client records reviewed, #1, 2, 3 and 4.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

709.53(a)(11)  LICENSURE Follow-up information

709.53. Client records. (a) There shall be a complete client record on an individual which includes information relative to the client's involvement with the project. This shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (11) Follow-up information.
Based on a review of client records it was determined that the facility failed to document follow-up attempts for two of three client records reviewed, #5 and 6.
Plan of Correction
This facility does not file electronically, a Plan of Correction is on file with the Department of Health.

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